These here are the dragons who simply do not tickle my pickle, as it were. And for reference: the further to the bottom right a dragon appears in his collage, the more fuckable he is deemed to be. I feel like this way, I have a list of dragons who would be most likely to be able to give you a good time. I did it this way as I wanted these ratings to be based on more than just whichever dragon looks the most like some jacked up furry-bait, which would be far too easy. This score is then multiplied by their hotness to give you a final fuckability rating. The first three ratings are tallied, and then multiplied by a fraction of their uniqueness. In addition to this, I also judged how unique their designs were and a baseline ‘ hotness‘ I thought they were with just my initial reaction.

To be clear, strength is a rating of how good they would be in a fight. I rated the dragons in the following criteria based on their appearance: how strong they look, how nice they look, and how cool they look. I used cold, hard maths to work out who I thought was the hottest dragon man from Toys For Bob’s well-received remake of the original Spyro the Dragon trilogy.Ī whole fanbase collectively sighed “oh no, they’re hot” when the designs were revealed for many of the dragons you save during Spyro’s first foray into adventure, and now I’m here to officially exclaim who your dragon husbandos should be. Yes, I have officially become “too bored” and have let a simple passing thought take up far too many hours of my time.