Theatrum Orbis Terrarum was printed by Christophe Plantin (1520-1589) in Antwerp in 1570, and was in its 28th edition in seven languages by the time of Ortelius's death in 1598. The maps were reduced to a standard size and bound in Theatrum Orbis Terrarum (The Picture of the World), the first modern atlas. Encouraged by Antwerp merchants needing reliable and up-to-date maps, Ortlelius, with the help of Mercator, collected the best maps available. Ortelius was a collaborator and friend of Gerardus Mercator (1512-1594), who in 1569 published the first world map using the projection now bearing his name. Maris Pacifici, compiled by Abraham Ortelius (1527-1598) and printed in 1589 in Antwerp, represents one of the first comprehensive maps of the Pacific basin as known in the late 16th century. An attractive and well engraved map a crisp copy in excellent condition. The map is embellished with two large strapwork cartouches. Magellan's route through the straits ("Fretum Magellanicum") is shown with "Terra del Fuego" depicted as part of the huge continent "Terra Australis". In the middle of the Mare Pacificum is depicted the "Victoria" (the circumnavigator Maghellan's flagship), with its sails set and guns blazing. The map also includes a prominent New Guinea and one of the first delineations of the Solomon Islands based on the reports of Mendana. To the North appears a large "Isla de plata" (island of silver), probably the first printed representation of Hokkaido on a Western map. Japan is shown with a curious or "ebi" (shrimp) shaped outline based on earlier Portuguese charts of the region. The map shows the West Indies in the Carribbean, and gives detailed depiction of the American Northwest coast, and includes Japan and China. The map also shows Tierra del Fuego as a part of "Terra Australis" landmass, which extends across the Southern Ocean.

It characterizes the lack of knowledge of the Pacific at the time, compressing it from West to East, to agree with existing theories on the circumference of the world. One of the most sought-after and the striking and important of Ortelius' maps (from the Theatrum Orbis Terrarum). Meurer, Fontes Cartographici Orteliani p.36, 216). This map is based on Mercator's World map (1569), with details from some Portuguese manuscript maps of Bartolomeo de Lasso (cf. California is correctly drawn as a peninsula, some familiar names can be seen on the Californian coast. The first printed map to focus on Pacific, and the first in which North America and South America are separately named: Americae Septentrionalior pars and Americae Meridionalior pars.

Sein auf der Karte abgebildetes Schiff "Victoria" war das einzige von 5 Schiffen, das nach dreijähriger "Circumnavigation" (Weltumsegelung) wieder den Heimathafen erreichte. Die Bezeichnung Stiller (Pazifischer) Ozean geht auf Magellan zurück, der 1520/21 den Ozean in drei Monaten in Ost-West-Richtung durchquerte, ohne dabei einen Sturm erlebt zu haben. Als erster Europäer hatte der spanische Conquistador Balboa nach Überquerung des Isthmus von Panama 1513 das offene Meer erblickt, dem er - als Gegensatz zu dem als "Nordmeer" benannten Atlantik - den Namen "Mar del Zur" (Südsee) gab. Im Jahre 1612 erschien noch eine Variante dieser Karte mit getilgter Jahreszahl. Südamerika, Japan (noch in Form einer Krabbe) und Indonesien sowie der Terra australis mit zwei schönen Kartuschen sowie Segelschiffen. Bedeutende und sehr dekorative Karte des pazifischen Raumes mit weiten Teilen von Nord- u. Koeman III,0600:31 Goss, Mapping of North America, map 14 Burden: North America 74 Suarez, Early Mapping of the Pacific Ocean (Map Collector 22, p.2-9) v.d.Broecke 12 Campbell, Early maps pl.9 Tooley, Landmarks of mapmaking p.118 Tooley: America p.322 Walter: Japan a cartographic vision, 11G Cortazzi p.21 Portinaro/K., Abb.49. Sehr gut erhalten, breitrandig / in very good condition, with wide margins.